The National Craft Council in September 2018 has successfully held a series of activities on its 39th Birthday. The series of activities consisted of the National Working Meeting, the Kriya Nusa Exhibition. The National Craft Council is a non-profit organization that houses Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by gathering art lovers and enthusiasts to develop products, businesses as well as SME’s entrepreneurs.
The National Craft Council was formed based on a decision of the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Education and Culture on March 3, 1980. Then DEKRANASDA was formed, namely the National Craft Council at the Regional level to support the National level on March 15, 1981.

PT. Harmoni Kreasi @Kriya Nusa Exhibition 2018
In 2018, DEKRANAS held a Kriya Nusa exhibition like the previous two years. The exhibition which took the Aceh theme with the Pucuk Rebung motif was held from September 26-30, 2018. This exhibition was attended by 313 craft stands and 21 culinary stands, consisting of 172 DEKRANASDA stands, 37 Ministry and BUMN (State Own Enterprises) stands, 76 individual crafters, and the rest DEKRANAS iconic booth. In addition to exhibiting the work, this event also invites designers to educate craftsmen and introduce the results of regional crafts to the wider community.
As is well known, DEKRANAS, which is guided directly by the First Lady at the national level and the wife of the governor at the regional level in 2018, held a Kriya Nusa craft Exhibition which was officially opened by First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo and Hj. Mufidah Jusuf Kalla with ribbon scissors procession. In particular, First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo was interested in handicraft products from banana midrib bags from Cirebon Regency booths and glass lamps from Cianjur Regency. Aside from West Java Province, other provinces are also trying to showcase their region’s unique crafts such as the Bangka Belitung Islands Province which features Cual Weaving handicraft products. In addition, the Province of West Kalimantan also displays products that are not less interesting such as Sintang Weaving, Songket Sambas, Kapuas Hulu Sidan and others.

PT. Harmoni Kreasi @Kriya Nusa Exhibition 2018
Including PT. Harmoni Kreasi. PT. Harmoni Kreasi also participated in this national grand event of handicraft products. Basket craft products made from water hyacinth leaves produced by PT. Harmoni Kreasi received the attention of one of the Ministers who attended the Nusa 2018 Kriya Exhibition. In addition, PT. Harmoni Kreasi also became one of the discussions in Kompas daily on the topic of its participation at this event.
Appointed the Aceh theme at the Nusa September 2018 Craft Exhibition, the Chairperson of the West Java Province DEKRANASDA hopes that next year the Kriya Nusa Exhibition can raise the theme of West Java. The event held at the Jakarta Convention Center is expected to help SMEs to improve the quality of their products to the international level. As quoted from the welcoming speech by Hj. Mufidah Jusuf Kalla, “Traditional products really need to be maintained but must be creative as technology develops to improve Indonesian handicraft products so that the nation’s cultural heritage continues to survive the progress of the times so that they can be demanded and have high competitiveness”.