We often hear the term fiber and it is generally closely related to food. However, it turns out that fiber is not always associated with food. Because there are fibers that are also related to materials for making textiles and handicrafts. The types of fiber in this case is usually made from natural materials, both from plants and animals.

As the name implies, natural fibers are fibers made from natural ingredients. Where it can be made from plants, animals, even fiber from minerals. Natural fibers taken from plants are generally taken from parts that contain cellulose. For example, as in the stems, leaves, even the seeds.

Natural fiber materials from plants can usually be used to make threads, crafts, and even some plants can be used to make household appliances. Now, this time we will invite you to find out about the various types of natural fiber materials from plants. So, see the explanation until it’s finished!

Types of natural fiber materials from plants, Source: textileschool.com
Types of natural fiber materials from plants, Source: textileschool.com

What are the Natural Fiber Materials from Plants?

Maybe some of us are quite familiar with several types of plants that can be used as natural fiber materials. But even so, there are also those who do not realize that it turns out that various types of plants around the home environment can be used as natural fibers that can be used for various needs.

Below are several types of natural fiber materials from plants that can be used to make crafts, namely:

1. Banana Leaf Fiber

The first type of natural fiber material is fiber from banana stems. Banana stems are stems that are part of the banana tree which generally has several layers that can be removed one by one.

Because banana fronds have watery characteristics, therefore, to get the fiber, you need to wait for it to dry first. Fiber from banana stems can be used to make various handicrafts with high selling value.

Crafts from banana fronds for example, such as places for tissues, wallets, bags, and can even be used to make wall paintings. But not only can it be used to make handicrafts, the fronds of the abaka type of banana from the Philippines can even be used as raw material for clothing.

Natural fiber from banana stems, Source: foto.kompas.com
Natural fiber from banana stems, Source: foto.kompas.com

2. Pandan Leaf Fiber

Pandan leaves are indeed famous for their fragrant aroma. For that reason, this leaf is often added to several types of dishes to create a delicious aroma in these foods. But did you know that pandan leaves can also be used as a type of natural fiber?

Without us knowing it, the leaves that are often added to this food have the characteristics of leaf fiber which tends to be dry but not too strong. The shape is elongated, has a slightly brownish color, and the texture of the leaves is slightly rough.

This type of fiber from the pandanus plant can be used to make woven crafts, such as tissue boxes, sandals, and so on. Apart from making food more delicious, it can also be something of value, right?

Fiber from pandan leaves, Source: queencreektropicals.com
Fiber from pandan leaves, Source: queencreektropicals.com

3. Water Hyacinth Fiber

The next type of natural fiber material is water hyacinth. For some people this plant may include wild andbother. But in fact, plants that are considered a nuisance can be used as textile materials and interesting handicrafts.

Currently, water hyacinth fiber is indeed one of the natural ingredients that is often used. How could it not be, water hyacinth plants are easy to find, the price is relatively affordable and can even be taken for free, and environmentally friendly, making this one plant a great choice for making handicrafts.

Water hyacinth plant fiber has characteristics that are quite strong, but very easy to shape. As with other types of natural fiber materials, water hyacinth fiber can be used to make various home decorations, household items, and even shoes can be made from this one plant fiber.

Fiber from the water hyacinth plant, Source: id.m.wikipedia.org
Fiber from the water hyacinth plant, Source: id.m.wikipedia.org

4. Coconut Coir

Who does not know this thousand benefits tree? Yes, starting from the roots, stems, fruit, until the leaves can be used for various needs. Even coir from coconut fruit can also be used and taken fiber. But unfortunately, coconut coir is still very rarely used by humans to make crafts.

Because usually they will tend to use coconut fiber as a substitute for firewood for burning. Where this is commonly done by people in Indonesia. In fact, with a touch of creativity, coconut fiber can be used to make wallets, brooms, doormats, and so on.

Coconut coir can be transformed into various needs, Source: kompas.com
Coconut coir can be transformed into various needs, Source: kompas.com

5. Cotton Fiber

For this types of natural fiber material, of course, we are very familiar. Processing cotton fiber can be spun into yarn and also woven into cloth. Cotton fiber that is processed into cloth, will produce cotton cloth that we often find on the market. Quality cotton cloth, of course, comes from quality cotton fibers as well.

With cooling characteristics, it will also provide warmth when worn in winter. Besides being used as yarn and cloth, fiber from cotton can also be used as stuffing for pillows. This is of course because the natural material has a soft texture and is also soft.

Cotton fiber can be used to make cloth, Source: mrglobal.biz
Cotton fiber can be used to make cloth, Source: mrglobal.biz

6. Hemp Plant Fiber

Maybe most of us are still too foreign to this type of plant. This plant can develop and grow very easily in the tropics. The hemp plant fiber can be taken from the stem or wood of the plant.

This type of natural fiber material can be used to make various high quality fashion fabric products. So do not be surprised, if many clothes are made using the main ingredient hemp plant fiber. Hemp fiber generally has a higher color and luster than cotton fiber.

Natural fiber from the flax plant, Source: industritekstil.blogspot.com
Natural fiber from the flax plant, Source: industritekstil.blogspot.com

Nah, that’s some kind of natural fiber material from plants. Where the natural plant fibers can be utilized into various handicrafts. Speaking of handicrafts, if you want to get unique, attractive and high-quality handicrafts, you can easily get them at Harmoni Kreasi.

We are a handicraft manufacturer that produces various crafts with quality materials. Therefore, get unique, interesting and quality products from us!